Everyone has something to give
Everyone has something to share
It could be time, it could be money, you could be the one that can cut someone’s hair
The man on the street may need something to eat to brighten his hopeless day.
The worn-out cashier, or the widow in tears, all respond when you take time to say,
‘Jesus loves you,
I’ve suffered too, and understand that the times are hard.
Please know that today, I’ll go home and pray
that you find peace in the presence of God.”
Hospitality is easy and kindness is free
And a generous heart changes a family legacy
There are countless opportunities to shine the Lord’s light every day
Don’t miss out on the blessing and go give what you have away
Ask God for the opportunity, ask Him to remove any fear
There’s a hurting soul close by you, there’s a lonely neighbor near
Can you hold a fussy baby?
Is there a meal that you can make?
A smart phone lesson might help a grandpa
Or that sleepy mama could use the break
Some of you could read just a few great books to one laying in hospice care
Or you might just play ball with foster kids who all
Never knew a loving family out there
Maybe you have time to give and don’t know where to start?
Get alone with Jesus and ask Him to show you His heart.
There are food banks that need smiles, there’s the homeless who need some shoes
If you just make yourself available, who knows what all God will use!
He has given us our time, and our gifts, and He’s given us our story.
They are not just for us to be silent, but to share and show others God’s glory!